ILT detectors are designed to emit low levels of current in the pico-amp to milli-amp range which is then converted to calibrated optical units such as lux, W, W/cm2, etc., when used with ILT light meters. Detector assemblies typically include a sensor, filter, optic and calibration.
Example of a calibrated detector assembly for lux: "SED033/Y/W" includes the “SED033” 33mm² silicon photodiode detector, the “Y” photopic correction filter with the “W” Diffuser and calibration. (Note: “/U” indicates an uncalibrated sensor).
The SED and SPM type optical detector housings are made of black anodized aluminum, with female filter threads (1¼-24), a tripod mount (¼-20), and two end mounts (#8-32). Only these housings allow for filter selection/swapping and underwater modification. All underwater modified detectors (SUD) require the W wide-eye diffuser in addition to any other filters and come special order in 10, 50 or 100 foot lengths.
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The below four versions do not have removable, swappable filters and cannot be made waterproof:
The SCD type optical detectors are in a 42 x 19 x 14 mm housing.

The XSD type optical detectors are in a 15 x 42 mm dia. housing with 8-32 thread tapped hole for mounting.

SPD type detectors are in a 121 x 19 mm dia. pen style housing.