ILT5000 Bench-Top Research Attenuated Pulsed and UV Curing Light Measurement System

ILT5000, SED033/B/QNDS2/W
Part Number: ILT5000, SED033/B/QNDS2/W
Bench-Top Research Attenuated Pulsed and UV Curing Light Measurement System
- 10+ Decade Dynamic Range of Optical Analysis
- Pico-ammeter: 10fA to 1mA (calibrated from 100fA - 1mA)
- Wireless Communication, Built-in
- User controlled or Auto: Range, Zero/Dark, Sample Rate
- 4-20 mA Output
- 15 pin D Sub and SMA sensor/input ports
- “Set it & Forget It” Remote Data Logging
- Power: USB or Built-in Re-Chargeable Battery Pack
- Multi-System Simultaneous Continuous Monitoring
- Includes DataLight II Software and Labview Sample Code
- NIST-Traceable/ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Calibration
- Sample Rate Up to 100 Hz, Programmable
- Made in the USA
- Custom & OEM Inquiries Welcome
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SED033/B/QNDS2/W Attenuated photoresist "B" Detector Head used for measurement of Xenon pulsed and continuous high power UV lamps.
Measurement Range: 3e-8 to 2e+1 W/cm 2
Spectral Range: 326-401 nm
Dimensions: 43 x 42 mm dia.
Ordering part#(s): ILT5000, SED033/B/QNDS2/W
Filters and input optics are removable and may be ordered separately from the detector assembly to allow filter and input optic swapping.
For the latest meter specifications, data sheet, installation guide, tech notes and software, visit the ILT5000 product page