ILT5000 Research Radiometer with Narrow Beam Sensor for Watts

ILT5000, SED033/F/HNK15
Bench-Top Power (watts) Measurement Systems
- 10+ Decade Dynamic Range of Optical Analysis
- Pico-ammeter: 10fA to 1mA (calibrated from 100fA - 1mA)
- Wireless Communication, Built-in
- User controlled or Auto: Range, Zero/Dark, Sample Rate
- 4-20 mA Output
- 15 pin D Sub and SMA sensor/input ports
- “Set it & Forget It” Remote Data Logging
- Power: USB or Built-in Re-Chargeable Battery Pack
- Multi-System Simultaneous Continuous Monitoring
- Includes DataLight II Software and Labview Sample Code
- NIST-Traceable/ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Calibration
- Sample Rate Up to 100 Hz, Programmable
- Custom & OEM Inquiries Welcome
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(Note: UV, NIR and IR sensor options are also readily available from ILT. For assistance with sensor configuration, please email [email protected] with application information).
Most commonly sold system configurations:
ILT5000, SED100/F/K15, Larger diode area selected for ease of aiming and assure total flux is measured.
Measurement Range: 7.69e-13 to 1.5e-2 Watts
(Note: add QNDS1, QNDS2 or QNDS3 to attenuate by a factor 10, 100 or 1000 as needed)
ILT5000, SED033/F/HNK15 Includes a narrow beam adapter to prevent aiming errors.
Measurement Range: 4e-9 to 3 Watts
(Note: add QNDS1, QNDS2 or QNDS3 to attenuate by a factor 10, 100 or 1000 as needed)
ILT5000, SED033/F/HMR/HNK15 (HMR filter added to block the IR wavelengths above 700 nm)
Measurement Range: 3.5e-10 to 7 Watts
(Note: add QNDS1, QNDS2 or QNDS3 to attenuate by a factor 10, 100 or 1000 as needed)
ILT5000, SED033/F/INS125 or SED033/F/INS250. The INS125 5” integrating sphere and INS250 10” integrating sphere allow total flux measurements from sources that are larger than the active area of the SED100 and HNK15. This include small lamps, lasers, laser diodes and other light sources. Our Integrating spheres have two ports for connecting the light source (one 20 mm dia port and one 40 mm dia. Port)
Average power measurement ranges cover from 4e-9 W up to 3 Watts.
(Note: add QNDS1, QNDS2 or QNDS3 to attenuate by a factor 10, 100 or 1000 as needed)
ILT's "F" Filter provides a nearly flat response over the 400-1000 nm range when combined with ILT's silicon sensors. This flat response allows the ILT5000 and sensor to measure many different wavelengths of lasers, diodes and collimated sources. Neutral density filters can be added to attenuate the signal by a factor of 10 to 1000.
(Note: UV, NIR and IR sensor options are also readily available from ILT. For assistance with sensor configuration, please contact us with application information).