ILT1270 Rugged, Multi-purpose, Multi-point Smart Sensor for UVGI/UV Measurements for 215 - 350 nm

Smart Sensor for UVGI/UV Measurements for 215 - 350 nm
- Ideal for Performing Multi-Point, Wireless, Remote Light Monitoring & Data Logging
- “Set It & Forget It” Remote Data Logging with On-Board Data Storage
- Multi-System Continuous Monitoring (up to 32 systems with one hub)
- Autorange, Autodark with Manual Control Options
- Auto-Sample Rate Configuration to Reduce Noise
- 8 Decade Dynamic Range of Optical Analysis
- NIST-Traceable Calibration and Certificate
- Made in USA
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Rugged, Multi-purpose, Multi-point Smart Sensor for UVGI/UV Measurements for 215 - 350 nm
Measurement Range: 7e-8 to 1 Watts/cm2
Spectral Range: 215 - 350 nm
Order part number: ILT1270/QT includes PIR calibration at 270 nm (XIR calibration at 254nm, or SAR scanned calibration from 250-380 nm /every 2nm are additional)
Applications: The Sic detector has broadband UV sensitivity allowing use for many applications. Since low-pressure mercury lamp and UV LED's typically emit a narrow spectrum, the ILT1270/SED270/QT can be used without additional filtration. (calibration at the CW / peak is required for optimum performance). Up to 100 ILT1270 systems can be connected to a hub for large area UVC monitoring, or profiling of uniformity.
Note: The QT is also available with 1, 3, 5 and 7 mm apertures for testing LED’s, small focused beams and for testing uniformity of the UV over the irradiated area. The apertures will also decrease the sensitivity allowing measurements at higher light levels.

For the latest meter specifications, data sheet, installation guide, tech notes and software, visit the ILT1000 page here.