ILT5000 Bench-Top Research Blue Hazard Radiance System

ILT5000, SED033/BLUE/R
Bench-Top Research "Blue Hazard" Radiance System
- 10+ Decade Dynamic Range of Optical Analysis
- Pico-ammeter: 10fA to 1mA (calibrated from 100fA - 1mA)
- Wireless Communication, Built-in
- User controlled or Auto: Range, Zero/Dark, Sample Rate
- 4-20 mA Output
- 15 pin D Sub and SMA sensor/input ports
- “Set it & Forget It” Remote Data Logging
- Power: USB or Built-in Re-Chargeable Battery Pack
- Multi-System Simultaneous Continuous Monitoring
- Includes DataLight II Software and Labview Sample Code
- NIST-Traceable/ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Calibration
- Sample Rate Up to 100 Hz, Programmable
- Made in the USA
- Custom & OEM Inquiries Welcome

BLUE LIGHT HAZARD RADIANCE DETECTOR Specially configured for blue light hazard measurements with conformance to the human eye stimulation requirements with direct reading of radiance in W/cm2/sr. The SED033/BLUE/R includes a 33 mm2 active area Si sensor, with a ½ inch BLUE filter, 1.5 degree narrow FOV radiance barrel and radiance calibration at 450 nm.
Measurement Range: 5e-9 to 3 W/cm2/sr
Hazard Spectral Range: 390 – 510 nm
Order part number: ILT5000 (meter), SED033/BLUE/R (detector)

Also compatible with the following ILT meters. See links to pages in the Related section below.
- ILT2400 (or on ILT1000) light meter: 3e-7 to 3 W/cm2/sr
- ILT2500 Hand Held research and pulsed light Meter: 5e-8 to 3 W/cm2/sr
Applications: This detector was designed to conform to the human eye stimulation requirements for making blue light hazard measurements. Equipped with our R Radiance/Luminance barrel for the required narrow field of view (± 0.75º). Calibrated to measure radiance directly in W/cm2/sr.
Filters and input optics are removable and may be ordered separately from the detector assembly to allow filter and input optic swapping.
Note: For simultaneous multi-sensor data logging, ILT also offers the ILT6000 Rack-Mount Radiometer System with the same specifications as the ILT5000 in a 2-10 unit, rack mountable housing.

For the latest meter specifications, data sheet, installation guide, tech notes and software, visit the ILT5000 page here.