ILT2400 Hand-Held Radiometer for Broadband Germicidal and UV Hazard Measurements

ILT2400, SED240/T2ACT5
Germicidal Light (UV Disinfection) and Optical Radiation Hazard Measurement System
- Research Quality at a Hand-held Price
- 8 Decade Dynamic Range of Optical Analysis
- Meter & Sensors with NIST Traceable ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Calibration
- Hand-held, Compact, Ergonomic Design
- Brilliant 4.3” Touch Screen Display
- 90° Screen Rotation for Landscape and Portrait Viewing
- ILT’s Accuspan: Auto-ranging with Smart Averaging
- Built-in Rechargeable Battery Lasts Up to 8 Hours
- Backwards Compatible with ILT1700 Sensors
- Measurement Speeds Up to 100 µSeconds
- Made in USA
- Custom & OEM Inquiries Welcome

Effective Germicidal Detector
Configured with a spectral response weighted to match the IES Luckiesh and DIN standards for germicidal effectiveness.
Measurement Range: 8e-8 to 1e-3 effective Watts/cm2
Germicidal Spectral Range: 235 – 307 nm, calibration wavelength at 270 nm
Dimensions: 68 mm x 42 mm diameter
Order part number: ILT2400 (meter), SED240/T2ACT5 (Detector)
Applications: This detector has a weighted response and is specifically designed to measure the germicidal effectiveness of low-intensity, broad spectrum UV sources in accordance with the requirements within the IES Luckiesh and DIN standards.
Actinic Optical Radiation Hazard Detector
Specially designed with proprietary filtration for easy and accurate optical radiation hazard measurements in the UV Actinic range.

Measurement Range: 8e-8 to 1e-3 eff W/cm2
Hazard Spectral Range: 180 – 400 nm
Order part number: ILT2400 (Meter), SED240/T2ACT5 (Detector)
Applications: This detector has been fitted with our proprietary UV Actinic Hazard filter giving the detector the required spectral response for taking UV optical radiation hazard measurements. Calibrated for readout in effective Watts per square centimeter. For compliance with UV hazard measurement standards that require instrumentation that can measure 0.1 microWatts per squared centimeter or better, the ILT5000 and SED240/ACT5/W UV Actinic Hazard Detector combination is required.
For the latest meter specifications, data sheet, installation guide, tech notes and software, visit the ILT2400 page