International Light Technologies is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited and ISO9001:2015 Certified Company

All precision light measurement instruments and their detectors, such as our ILT2400 and ILT1700 Light Meters, require periodic recalibration to ensure proper operation. That is why International Light Technologies has expanded our NIST traceable light meter calibration lab and invested in state-of-the-art equipment.
ILT has also extended our calibration service offering to include calibration of non-ILT light measurement meters and systems, Contact us for a complete list of meters we calibrate.
Calibration Lab
As our customer base has grown over the past 40+ years, and as our customers have adopted quality manufacturing standards such as ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO9001, we have seen a dramatic increase in the demand for annual NIST traceable recalibration. In response to this increase in demand for calibration services we have expanded our calibration lab, invested in new equipment, and are planning to extend our standard calibration service offering.
Annual Re-calibration
All instrumentation requires periodic re-calibration to ensure proper operation. In addition, extreme operating conditions (UV, heat, and dirt) can degrade optical performance potentially requiring an increase in re-calibration frequency. Annual re-calibration provides a relatively inexpensive guarantee of accuracy. Accurate readings translate into more efficient production processes, more reliable research and safer medical procedures.
NIST Traceable
International Light Technologies obtains fully characterized Primary Standard Detectors directly from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Through the transfer of standards technique, we compare the output of a customer's detector to a standard under tightly controlled laboratory conditions.
Link to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accreditation and ISO9001:2008 Certification Information
The list below describes the basic types of optical calibrations that we perform in our metrology lab. All instrumentation requires periodic recalibration to ensure proper operation. The PIR and YIS calibrations are our most commonly requested calibrations for radiometers and photometers, respectively. Our flexible laboratory setup allows us to perform a wide range of different calibrations at a reasonable cost.
All calibration orders are subject to the following Terms and Conditions