ILT2400, MPP Med Light Tester

ILT2400, MPP Sensor
UVA, UVB and Narrow-Band UVB MEDLight Med-Tester Light Meter
- Direct reading in W/cm2
- Store readings with date/time stamp
- View saved readings on meter or export to a PC
- Meter & Sensors with NIST Traceable ISO17025 Accredited Calibration
- Hand-held, Compact, Ergonomic Design
- Brilliant 4.3” Touch Screen Display
- Built-in rechargeable battery lasts up to 8 hours
- Easy to use
- 3 standard MPP sensors designs for UVA, UVB and Narrow Band UVB
- Custom & OEM inquiries welcome
ILT2400 MED-Tester Light Meter
The ILT2400 MED / MPD -Tester series combines the advanced light measurement features of the ILT2400 hand held light meter, with our MPP detectors specifically designed for use with the MEDlight Med-Testing device.

MPP (Mini Pen Probe) Sensors Come in Three Configurations:
MPPUVA is based on our SED033/UVA/W which measures UVA covering 315-390 nm. The sensor kit includes calibration at 364 nm for direct reading in units such as uW/cm2 and mW/cm2 depending on the intensity.
MPPNBB is based on our SED005/TLS312/W which measures Narrow band UVB covering 290-330 nm with a 312 nm center wavelength. The sensor kit includes calibration at 311 nm for direct reading in units such as uWcm2 and mW/cm2 depending on the intensity.
MPPUVB is based on our SED270B/QT which measures UVB covering 265-320 nm. The sensor kit includes calibration at 308 nm for direct reading in units such as uW/cm2 and mW/cm2 depending on the intensity.
NOTE: SAR-5 scanned calibrations are available at additional cost and include a spectral sensitivity curve of the sensor over the full operating spectral range with test points every 5 nm.

Dynamic Ranges are based on averages:
MPPUVA Range: 1e-7 – 1.8 W/cm²
MPPNBB Range: 3e-6 – 4 W/cm²
MPPUVB Range: 4e-7 – 8 W/cm²
Ordering part numbers:
ILT2400 Includes Light meter, carrying case, meter calibration with certificate, USB cable and access to ILTs complimentary DataLight software
MPPUVA - Includes Sensor with 7 foot cable and NIST Traceable ISO17025 accredited calibration at 364 nm with certificate
MPPUVB - Includes Sensor with 7 foot cable and NIST Traceable ISO17025 accredited calibration at 308 nm with certificate
MPPNBB - Includes Sensor with 7 foot cable and NIST Traceable ISO17025 accredited calibration at 311 nm with certificate
For the latest meter specifications, data sheet, installation guide, tech notes and software, visit the ILT2400 page here.