ILT2400 Hand-Held IR Meter Rental

ILT2400 Hand-Held IR Meter Rental
Hand-Held IR Hazard Measurement System
- Research Quality at a Hand-held Price
- 8 Decade Dynamic Range of Optical Analysis
- Made in USA
- Meter & Sensors with NIST Traceable ISO17025 Accredited Calibration
- Hand-held, Compact, Ergonomic Design
- Brilliant 4.3” Touch Screen Display
- 90° Screen Rotation for Landscape and Portrait Viewing
- ILT’s Accuspan: Auto-ranging with Smart Averaging
- Built-in Rechargeable Battery Lasts Up to 8 Hours
- Measurement Speeds Up to 100 µSeconds
- Made in the USA
- Custom & OEM Inquiries Welcome
Rental fees are per week. 1 week rental. For multi-week rentals, please contact us.
Rental Includes

INFRARED HAZARD DETECTOR Designed for taking accurate IR hazard measurements in W/cm2.
Measurement Range: 9e-5 to 4e-1 Watts/cm2
Hazard Spectral Range: 770 - 3000 nm
Applications: Thermopile-based detector with a quartz window providing the ideal sensitivity for making thermal irradiance hazard measurements. Please note, that by the very nature of thermopile-based detectors, this detector is heat sensitive and exposure to heat sources including the measurement source, should be kept to a minimum and the detector allowed to cool between readings.

For the latest meter specifications, data sheet, installation guide, tech notes and software, visit the ILT2400 page here.