ILT2400 Hand-Held Infrared Hazard Measurement System

ILT2400, SED623/SCS695/W
Hand-Held IR Hazard Measurement System
- Research Quality at a Hand-held Price
- 8 Decade Dynamic Range of Optical Analysis
- Made in USA
- Meter & Sensors with NIST Traceable ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Calibration
- Hand-held, Compact, Ergonomic Design
- Brilliant 4.3” Touch Screen Display
- 90° Screen Rotation for Landscape and Portrait Viewing
- ILT’s Accuspan: Auto-ranging with Smart Averaging
- Built-in Rechargeable Battery Lasts Up to 8 Hours
- Backwards Compatible with ILT1700 Sensors
- Measurement Speeds Up to 100 µSeconds
- Made in the USA
- Custom & OEM Inquiries Welcome
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INFRARED HAZARD DETECTOR Designed for taking accurate IR hazard measurements in W/cm2.
Measurement Range: 9e-5 to 4e-1 Watts/cm2
Hazard Spectral Range: 770 - 3000 nm
Order part number: ILT2400 (meter), SED623/SCS695/W (detector)
Applications: Thermopile-based detector with a quartz window providing the ideal sensitivity for making thermal irradiance hazard measurements. Please note, that by the very nature of thermopile-based detectors, this detector is heat sensitive and exposure to heat sources including the measurement source, should be kept to a minimum and the detector allowed to cool between readings.

NOTE: SCS780 filter can be substituted for SCS695 to obtain cutoff of 780nm
Filters and input optics are removable and may be ordered separately from the detector assembly to allow filter and input optic swapping.
For the latest meter specifications, data sheet, installation guide, tech notes and software, visit the ILT2400 page here.