View the latest video from International Light Technologies on choosing the right light meter for your application.
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To simplify selection, ILT created a set of applications pages on our website that describes the most commonly used measurement systems for each application.
This video will provide a brief overview of the ILT light meters shown to help further simplify the selection process.
Lets start with the basic light meter, the ILT10C. If you’re looking for a traceable calibrated foot candle or lux light meter, this model has everything you need and nothing you don’t want to pay for.
The next meter in our basic line-up is the ILT70. Each meter and sensor are paired as a set offering simple 1 button operation. They are used exclusively for testing Phototherapy or Germicidal lamps.
Now lets move on to our more advanced models that include our DataLight III light measurement software and a Full API for customization.
The ILT800 CureRight meters have extensive features that are easily accessed through its simple but intuitive interface. Features include the ability to store and review readings, withstand high temperatures, and display results of irradiance, dose and graphical profiling. The ILT800 can be combined with the ILT850 add on modules to map an areas intensity or to measure different spectral bands simultaneously. The ILT850 can be run attached to an ILT800 or as a stand alone device.
The ILT1000 has a compact 3” square housing that accepts most ILT filters and optics. Sensors are available from UVC to NIR. It includes a 4-20 mA output allowing PLC connection and control or it can be powered and controlled by a PC. The ILT1000 is most commonly used for multi system datalogging and boasts a very broad
measurement range covering nearly 8 decades of light level readings.
This same measurement range is also found in our ILT2400 hand held meter with touch screen display and an app-based interface similar to most mobile devices. The ILT2400 features, Bar and line graphs, internal data storage, and smart detectors that automatically apply the calibration factor and units of readout. Simply plug in the sensor, turn on the meter, and start measuring.
Customers who need a little more sensitivity or faster response times can upgrade to the ILT2500 Flash. Its Flash app allows measurement of pulsed light sources such as Xenon flash lamps, camera flashes and the like. Its Beacon application is great for slower pulse speeds and includes a flash count counter. The ILT2500 aslo includes a built in Faraday cage for improved low light measurements.
For customers who need it all -we offer the ILT5000 research radiometer. The ILT5000 has the broadest calibrated range of any system ILT has offered covering from femto amps up to a milliamp. This full range is also applied to the light level readings when paired with a calibrated ILT sensor. The device has built in wireless technology, 4-20 mA output and a SMA connector for measuring NON ILT sensors. For customers who need to rapidly change between sensors or to measure multiple locations or wavelengths simultaneously, we package the ILT5000 circuitry in a rack mount housing called the ILT6000. This housing can hold up to 10 ILT5000 units.
The ILT5000 and ILT6000 research radiometers are primarily used in labs or for research but since most of the ILT meters can also be used with our Datalight III software it is easy to combine multiple systems and devices to create you own unique measurement system solution.